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Problems of illiteracy in Bangladesh.

Illiteracy means complete inability to read and write. It is a relative term. In a broad sense it means inability to read and write sufficiently well to meet the needs of adult life. It usually implies the comparison of the individual's ability found at his social or economic level. This illiteracy is a social curse. It is the root of ignorance, superstition and backwardness. It prevents the people from marching ahead to get up an ideal social fabric.
Most people in Bangladesh are illiterate. 68% of the population is deprived of minimum education despite compulsory primary education. Our national life is retarded and beset with innumerable problems - problems created by illiteracy and superstitions. Everyone recognizes that it is the root of many ills. It is in fact, responsible for poor health and bad sanitary condition. It surely accounts for high rates of premature death and infant mortality. It is also responsible for primitive methods of cultivation and lower yield. But it is a matter of great regret that when such a vast section of our people remain ignorant and illiterate, our independence, our democracy become meaningless. Only education can make  a man conscious of his rights and duties in the society.
Bangladesh is a newly sovereign country. It is very difficult on her part to make many progress with a large number of illiterate men, women and children. So removal of illiteracy should get topmost priority and be our immediate task. We must be pragmatic in our approach. An elaborate programme should be chalked out in this regard. Extensive propaganda and illiteracy eradication campaign are urgently necessary.
It is the spirit of education that can help to eradicate this curse of illiteracy. It is the duty of every Govt. to remove illiteracy from the grass root level. But at the same time one must admit that the Govt. alone will not be able to cope with the situation. It is the duty of every citizen to help in this matter. Education must be free and compulsory at least up to the age of fourteen. This should be the directive of our constitution. At present education has been made compulsory up to primary level. But lots of children can't go to primary schools because they  have to work for their families. Besides, a large number of boys and girls are compelled to give up education after free primary level. So they forget very soon what they have learnt and add themselves to the number of the illiterate of our country. Hence, if we want to get a good result the Govt. must have to make education free upto at least secondary level. It must be ensured that every boy and girl goes to school despite poverty.
There should be adequate arrangement for education. Night schools must be set up. These schools may be set up in every locality on a voluntary basis. These schools can enable the working boys and girls and the adults to learnt the most necessary fundamental things of life. Students of schools colleges and universities can play an important role in removing illiteracy. They can spare their off time to educate the unfortunate illiterate and take an increasing share in the tasks of national development. Not only students but also educated service holders can work at night schools in order to remove illiteracy. Besides, education should receive equal attention. If a mother can be educated, she will be able to get her children lessons on three R's. In additional Radio and TV can play a vital role broadcasting different regular programmes in this regard.
Illiteracy is a curse,  but it is a curse that can be lifted. This task is, however, a formidable one. Sincere efforts are necessary to perform it. The in education should find out easy methods to teach our children. Children at a very early age should be convinced by parents and teachers the necessity of education.   

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